Five Poems

Peter Giebel


Tower, the Effect of Pit


censor of the sun


wheat fields, curved scales
by mouth of any throng


what always was
no worth but yield


I can hear a dog barking


I can see a bird buried
in the earth you have forgot








den, blossom, fossils


within fossils, what-


ever brings flesh what


like water, blind


having no shelter


the mouth
is no door yet








hirsute and combed


a viper’s nest


I cannot write
while running


negligé, jejune


the pyres cower


continuing intact


so few, a solipsism








you meet


and fly off, adjacent


a series of walls
nothing inscribed


a locust’s shell


an eagle took


rapt to a sprig
aflame eagerly








I follow
a wall, burden


of a garden


with derelicts over-


head, I come


to recognize a stranger


desiring vital




PETER GIEBEL is a writer and educator based in Denver, CO. His work has appeared in Diagram, Lana Turner, Prelude, Pulpmouth, Sonora Review, and elsewhere. Recently, he was a finalist for the Tomaž Šalamun Prize.