I never regressed so much, / I never perfected / my recollections
with madness, / I never / invested in such / a good dagger. / Of the attack,
I never had a knack / for lessening the blow. / I never
believed in the augur’s / low tactical palm-thrusted / tut-tuts.
Nor the church’s girth. / It doesn’t matter. / I’ll never dodge / the here-
after. / I’m not / here / much longer. / I’ll be / re-
conquered. / Of the living and the dead, / I’ve been mongrel-
haggard / but never madder / than a punched pillow, near-punched mirror,
hapless screams. / I am a woman who should shatter /
or so / those with their looking glasses should think, / I should
think. / But, well, I never. / I never sought to make marauder and monarch
synonymous, never got so conglomerate with lawlessness,
never felt intolerably autonomous nor acrimonious with self-made
luck / or ceremonious reign-and-fall, / never got mind-fucked by the face
powder of power. / I’ve always / been small. / I’ve always
been appalled at the applause after my dress rehearsal, after the gall
of gall when one says All told, Exeunt, or Halt! / I half-picked / the ultimate
vault. / I’m still here. / Fin! Fin! (a cin-cin to the end, cheery
in drear, my dear.) / But I’ve not faltered by way of the bane of a blood-
stain, / the bled like hand-held alarm-bells compelling the bulk of the digits
to resist themselves, to desist their very mind and body. /
Never embedded such a glitch in my system / as to be a happy person.
But / I’m just / as joyous / as such. / Flourish. Flourish. / I refurbish the lavish
cloud loud within me with a heave-ho only I can hear, / feel.
How fair-foul a vow as fanfare to the ear, / this being here. / Freer
than air with a deadweight peal / with a tearstain purity, / the trumpet
intensive (intensest with two bells to the eardrum and
a snare) makes this most imprisonable blare, / a crass brass so /
unbirdlike / when coiled human tongues heighten the brute near-farness
of all things earthen, blurt-driven, life-deathening, a silence
a silence turned bright and ashen harkens—an announcement!—some-
one’s here! / Something’s here! / With a brow-tiered anticipation, / the very air
is elevated to a ghost-voice with an open gate. / You await /
the reveal—we love a veil—an appearance both revered and feared. /
The sheer leer of the puppeteer behind her string station, her drowning
jeer, her elation and lucid motions, / lake-like, / eye-like, /
listless and clear as a glass veneer / but jerky: / this is what we see, this
is what we feel. / But I’m just / the messenger, / sans angel, / the deliverer
of plot, of pleas, red flag, white flag, surrenderer of / lines…
lines where a lie could lay, / a humbug or a whole or half-truth / a loose
version, / a truce or an excuse con brio, or brief: a death sentence, a pardon. /
In them could be a place holder for thy kingdom to come. /
The aftertaste is a divine rite. / To say: Thy kingdom’s come. Come
and claim it. / I could spark the harem of a battle hymn where everybody
sings, / where everybody still in-ex-haling joins in. / I could
ring / the end of war in / if it’s in the cards, / if it’s in the books, / or
the vaunting livid-billowing machine of the pre-gifted albeit / blur-laden future,
quick in gain. Quick: The future’s gaining, ragged with rapture,
binoculared in circular clear muddle: beginning / middle / middle/ middle
(the melody’s here) (the calamity’s here) middle / middle / middle / in and out
of focus until the tomb enters, and resumes, resumes, resumes.
Or if it’s in the rooster’s claim to morning, I could claim the peace day’s calm
enclosure. / Enter Song. / The song makes its singers beatific evacuees, guests
of its breath. / They enter into it / It exits / lent gaps / structured
gasps / from the flapping vent of the lips, what’s heard exhibits a sashay /
a pause / a slash / a slash / (such is the art of the attack). A certain insignia can
make you an outcast / but breath redraws itself into a deft vapor,
into the cool air, into a plume of air, into the breadth of a single brethren.
If one listens in asylum with other f/ears sometimes all that’s left is nondescript:
a dog whistle pitch wherein wordless feelings run adrift like a
rhythm that doesn’t exist. Peak season for fluff. Still you seek it. Still you
seek what seeks you: in mind: the role: she-wolf in violent seizure: prey vetted
via incisors, incisors as scrimitar / a scrimmage / (step back: a
pretty image) / felt fervently / but / pitted in indecision / but / in voice:
only half/delivered / slit / slit / and the vision is scissored. / This is the life of
the messenger: a lessor conveyor, par force, than the original
source. I repeat the message I’m given. I repeat the message I’m given. /
Yet what is the original source when, due course, I change the script? I never
really said it. That which makes me slick in itch, content with mere
existence. I never regaled the fidget, bifurcating in the background, half
harness, half I’m-here-ness/ which is always a lesson in lessness / this being
here / these losses / (fiat lux) (fiat lux) / Not an impetus, not a pox /
not a box (but it is a box) / I never really knew the word for it. / That which
makes me tick / that which makes me tick. / I never made a missive / so illicit /
as to say I want it: life with death, the decadence thereof. It’s not
a letdown (the leveler), not a lip sync of the suck from tit to mouth / but /
it’s sustenance, an osseous need. Is it not a zest to insist the obvious? I cannot
be queen. I cannot be golden-crowned and lace-choked. I can be
replaced. / I can be replaced. / I am commonplace / defaced by default
and faulted. / I have faltered, made my mark as hiccupy as a hoofprint in sand.
It’s insubstantial / stand-offish / unembossed / windswept. /
All is a-toll / but no tocsin, no ring chase. Should my heartbeat be breached
by a bellwether, who can tell me? / This frippery equipoise / it’s chosen not
stolen / it’s posed in the precursor, the lure before the kill.
The lure before the (this is my living will) tripwire / I repeat: I never
made so liturgical the point of no return / never let such light heighten my eyes with
embellished burn / never yearned to fear the lord / nor heed
the kill-joy of the seer / but Dear sirs: I’m still quite damned. / My soul
will never learn to haunt another (death toll: one) soul but itself: / ghost with
a safety belt, to be petulant / to be fey as an infrared or an x-ray
splaying into the next phase: All revelers / all fools / ruled and overruled
by time lined by the next scene / then the next-next scene: the main characters /
all fools / try to elongate life in lifelong fashion. / The prologue pits
the main problem / (the conquistadors never hide in the chorus): /
Welcome to my pre-scripted song-as-scroll as it recalibrates the circadian rhythm
with a stake in the heart—where, when—lickety split!
It’s all said, it’s all done. The rhetoric didn’t / doesn’t / stick. /
Redeemer, where are you? / Incarnate or flesh, I could care not. I’m hot with
it. / This treasonous seasoned need not to escape my allotted
seat. Hardly a highland, here. A halation, a cross-out, each line:
no halo. / All stochastic clot dropped into a dot dot dot…Life is all / other. But all
are welcome. (Trapped.) Welcome. (Step back.) Welcome to
the world that will seek to weed you out. (Blast force / wordless riot
of the final act.) / The mind, rather, with its infinite marginalia, is fated to make
a maelstrom of what the body does. It Invocates / divulges / deluges /
misfires its fiery influence. The maelstrom makes its own momento mori /
heady with histrionic Hail. Hail. Hail. / Blustery / rapt / interrogatory as the wind in
tornado or war / either way, I’m torn. / I’m tackled by a terror:
to tear or to tear/ to fare and to be fair / (re-fanfare in the clear air /
error / heir to over-bearings) / to bare or to bear them / threadbare / to be barren /
snare or be ensnared / pare and be paired with: a dare or despair /
the thoroughfare leads to somewhere and nowhere / but which way
to get there / an elsewhere / warfare or prayer/ all to pale while impaled: this is
normal everyday terror. When it seizes, its blare dematerializes
any ecclesiastical inclinations like earth-clockwork. / Dear skull-in-hand,
please hold me / trundled, entombed. / Dear heirloom, you are not a crown.
You are not so golden-wared or rare. / Dear mind, step back
and let me remind you: you are in a mind: you are in a mind but not
mine: this is my living will: coddled / conciliatory / entremored / tickled with trepid
ease: this fortress between keeping in and keeping out, a quietus
and a spout / insatiable as a bastion / my castle’s crenellations /
do they make me safer? / The grey in marble curses the pearl / whirls inward yet /
the material’s always rough around the edges / undefined
as finery to the sun-blind and to the blind. / I never regressed
enough. I’ve never made a definition of man by subtracting woman, never been so
behooven to the divine rite / of the diviner’s first rib. / Never been
so residual an empress / never been an empress / ritual and miraculous /
instead a mere dividend of forgettable sex / wedded to the devil-sent / heaven-lent
neutral ring of my birth. / Of my death, I haven’t rehearsed yet.
In the end scene, all I want is a horse to enter the forest. No encoded
scriptures / no crypt / no mourners / no remorse. This is my will living as if it were
rich enough to be amorphous. / Dear skull-in-head, please
dispel me /(no climax until after the fact)/
Bellowing bell / echo / eggshell /
The quelled wind of the palanquin
I’m not saddled to such Imperial travel
I’ve always had a reverence for hoofbeats
but their beat has a heat which must repeat,
a remembrancer as bittersweet as riding your battered horse after battle.
I never let the guilt get rootbound, slow ricochet
spilt spiral piling then a building up of a staying in place.
It’s only when the performance has a pulse
that I have a pulse. Or close.
Liken it to a romancing lull or a living kill
either way a blight is bequeathed to the lullaby.
Goodbye. This is a matter of interpretation. / My grey stem / My diadem /
Farewell to:
These lines premeditated:
Fit-tongued and tongue-fit:
To be not a woman: but a weather system:
Perfect storm, eye of death:
But ah heck.
I’m still young yet.
KRISTINA MARTINO is a poet and visual artist. She studied at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Some of her poems have appeared in Third Coast, Bennington Review, Best New Poets, and elsewhere. Some of her drawings can be viewed here: www.kristinamartino.com.