I’m made unbidden a present of not
“supersonic” as I texted Cox though if I apply
to my cheek its soft bristle brush
its bristles in circles around circles if I circle
the face if I endeavor to massage transparent its meadow
decorous its purely decorative meadow
extract yellow-gold budded bouquets of oil
and instructions also music play through
the scouring brush head what
should I call these concentric buffs that buffer
into play “Party for One” but super
-fluous the body forgotten again this device
called “clari- sonic” echolocative promise a clearance
this living face won’t get eventuality yet like the cloud
catching no light in its passage to dirt the cloud
wherein repeat selfies hover undealt-with
above catching no dust immaterial at $2.99
a month a small fund seeding the community-
supported server farm atop thigh bones
The screen crisscrosses out a spire of rainbow
cast through the window the outlines
notice the waters rise the rain gone
the reflective surface need not pause— a nimbus
of images singing O of me have I tried
to withhold judgement re: beauty a truer
form of discernment divests from the reckless
holdings on of a past where I was severally
clocked in the room glassed at the bronze
bas-relief of three goddesses before Paris laughing
when I could not distinguish between the three
laughing one of a trio of jokes
the first goes Renoir didn’t either another whether
or not trained on ground you can distinguish
between clouds all the same those gods
are asking that you select from among
power conquest love you decide
on love you want to call it love
turns out it’s the opening of another front
For your options try to tell them apart
try to tell which one you are
or take cover in presentiment
clear the future of heaven is immaterial
as ever caught up in the question of vantage &
whether you are whether you aren’t
the future of heaven though without ground
would like to get out of the clouds to fulfill
some form to abandon try to find in this
a trinity let clarisonic’s virtue the cloud
stand in for a clear sound say beauty clouds
the devices the cloud-devised
beauty or Beauty devising the cloud in me
a cover a three-to-one I flow through
the connection between the face circling
the clearing total occluding
the dissipate nimbus the sound of
which surfacing
ALYSSA PERRY’s recent writing appears in Annulet: A Journal of Poetics, The Canary, Denver Quarterly, and Poetry Northwest. She is the assistant editor at Rescue Press and teaches creative writing in Cleveland, Ohio.