Under Milk Wood



as in glass onion

where the genius turns out to be an idiot

doofy asks asinine questions

writes uninspired, off-putting

white-savior essays

doofy, don’t gamble wit my career

come talk to me when u have

this gorgeous housing

i wish i could ignore ur wide nasal wings

& white flesh like pomfret

just drop ur twee poem in the ocean

sidestep the bodies in dirty denim

watch me sit here

dreaming of cups that fill themselves

wit ghee fat

the celibate thom / tim gunn

a peculiar perfume

i’ve been so patiently

waiting for

yes, i think he’s easy to adore

like the length of a car

—too much to take





MICHAEL CHANG (they/them) is the author of ALMANAC OF USELESS TALENTS (CLASH Books, 2022) & SYNTHETIC JUNGLE (Northwestern University Press, 2023). Tapped to edit Lambda Literary’s Emerge anthology, their poems have been nominated for Best New Poets, Best of the Net & the Pushcart Prize. They were awarded the Poetry Project’s Brannan Prize & edit poetry at Fence.



The art published alongside this poem is by Anna Buckley.