You follow the path to the red exit sign. The alarm goes off as you burst through the doors.
Down on the street, your car is parked at a meter. A white ticket flutters on your windshield. You reach for the door handle and then turn around to look at the museum. There is a tremendous explosion, and the dome at the top crumples. You can hear fire engines in the distance.
You jump inside and begin to drive. Valencia rushes by, a blur of trees and buildings and bright colors. You can see that the eastern portion of the sky is lightening, as if sunrise is close.
You reach a red light and slam on the brakes.
Madison Street.
You roll down your window. To the left, Madison heads into the city. To the right, the mountains rise into the air. You take a deep breath. The air smells like salt and night and, faintly, tortillas cooking. Far behind you, fire trucks are converging on the museum.
The light turns green.
If you go left, turn to page 33.
If you go right, up into the mountains, turn to page 34.