Three Poems

Patrick Kindig


oh my god, take
this body. this body,

oh my god,
take it, oh my

god oh my god.
take this body, oh

my god, take it,
take this body. oh

my god, take
this body, this body

oh my god take it.
take this body, oh

my god, oh my god
take it take it. oh

my god take this
body, take it take

this body oh, oh
my god take this

body oh my god, oh
my god, take it, take

this body, oh my
god oh my god, oh—


a brightening & the smell of green leather
then tile a urinal then tile
& the smell of green leather

that cathode hum the dark the hand a secret

a brightening & the smell of green leather
a urinal then tile a wide wet field
& sweat the dark

the hand a secret the hand a secret the hand a secret

a brightening then tile a urinal
& the smell of green leather the hand a secret
then popcorn & passionfruit shampoo that cathode hum

the dark an eggshell feeling

a brightening the hand a secret
that cathode hum & books
a wide wet field & sweat that cathode hum

he blonde & warm an eggshell feeling the dark

a brightening incense & aquamarine a urinal
a wide wet field & sweat
that cathode hum & passionfruit shampoo

the hand a secret an eggshell feeling

a brightening & the smell of green leather
then tile a urinal a wide wet field
& sweat he blonde & warm the hand a secret

the hand a secret the dark the hand a secret

a brightening & passionfruit shampoo
he blonde & warm a urinal
the hand a secret then tile an eggshell feeling

an eggshell feeling an eggshell feeling

the dark he blonde & warm the hand a secret
a brightening an eggshell feeling
& the smell of green leather no passionfruit shampoo

a urinal a urinal & the smell of green leather the dark

a brightening & the smell of green leather
then tile a wide wet field
& sweat he blonde & warm

an eggshell feeling a urinal
the hand a secret the hand a secret
he blonde & warm an eggshell feeling

an eggshell feeling the dark the dark a brightening



this boy [
&] the mirror

] this boy [
] yes [
repeating [

] this boy
& his] image [
& his] image

] still
repeating [

a] gesture
] in the dark
&] this boy

] still
an] image
] yes [

the boy [
] in the dark
] yes [

the boy [
still] repeating


PATRICK KINDIG is a dual MFA/PhD candidate at Indiana University. He is the author of the micro-chapbook Dry Spell (Porkbelly Press 2016), and his poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in CutBank, Meridian, Bombay Gin, Hobart, and other journals.